Phone numbers and area codes
Phone numbers in Mexico are made of ten digits with either two-digit area codes (for Mexico City, Monterrey, and Guadalajara and their respective metropolitan areas) or three-digit area codes for the rest of the country.
For a list of all area codes, see Area codes in Mexico by code.
Major cities and metropolitan areas have the following codes:
How To Call A Mexican Cell Phone Video
Dialing prefixes
The following dialing prefixes are available for use from within Mexico:

Dialing into Mexico
To reach a Mexican phone number from another country must dial:
+ 52 (area code) (phone number)
Where the plus sign (+) represents the International access code of the country are calling from.
For example, from Europe, must dial:
00 52 (area code) (phone number)
From North America (United States or Canada) must dial:
011 52 (area code) (phone number)
From Central America, as of now, must dial 1 after 52.
Dialing a cell phone in Mexico from abroad
To reach a cell phone from outside Mexico a 1 must be added before the area code:
+52 1 (area code) (phone number)
Where the plus sign (+) represents the International access code of the country are calling from.
Other service numbers
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